SFGATE: DA: Only 13 arrests in 7 years of SF online auto break-in reports

DA: Only 13 arrests in 7 years of SF online auto break-in reports
Published on January 26, 2018 at 06:06AM by By Evan Sernoffsky and Jenna Lyons
Of the more than 81,000 online reports of auto break-ins that victims filed in San Francisco over the past seven years, a mere 13 cases resulted in arrests, officials with the district attorney’s office said Thursday. The news of the trifling total comes as the number of vehicle break-ins has exploded in the city, reaching an all-time high last year. In 2017, there were more than 30,000 car break-ins in San Francisco. In 2011, there were fewer than 11,000. Rather than filing in person, victims have increasingly been directed to file reports online or call 311 when they discover their windows smashed and belongings pilfered.
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