SFGATE: France's Le Pen gathers with Europe's populists

France's Le Pen gathers with Europe's populists
Published on May 01, 2018 at 05:41PM by By THOMAS ADAMSON, Associated Press
PARIS (AP) — French far-right leader Marine Le Pen joined other anti-immigration populist leaders from around Europe for a May Day gathering Tuesday aimed at energizing their campaigns for next year's European Parliament elections. Populist leaders including Geert Wilders of the Dutch Party for Freedom, Harald Vilimsky of Austria's Freedom Party and prominent Czech nationalist Tomio Okamura descended on the southern French city of Nice as part of a joint effort to trumpet the gains far-right parties have notched up across the continent recently and to rail against their common foe — the European Union. The head of Italy's nationalist Northern League party Matteo Salvini declined his invitation but sent a video message of support.
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