SFGATE: Fla. House refuses to debate guns, but deems porn dangerous

Fla. House refuses to debate guns, but deems porn dangerous
Published on February 21, 2018 at 12:37PM by Travis M. Andrews, The Washington Post
The Florida House of Representatives was in session on Tuesday considering several issues. These included a motion to consider a bill banning the sale of assault weapons in the aftermath of the mass shooting that killed 17 people last week at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and a resolution declaring pornography a public health risk. The House chose not to consider the bill that would lead to stricter gun control. But it passed a resolution saying that porn is dangerous. "Unfortunately, just five days after 17 people were gunned down at a Florida school, the Florida House just passed a bill that declares pornography a 'public health risk,'" state Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith, D, told the Independent.
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